The Eje Cafetero is one of the largest coffee producers in Colombia. It’s conformed by Caldas, Risaralda, and Quindío departments. They have 139.297 hectares of coffee crops, and the most cultivated varieties are Tipica, Bourbon, Maragogype, Tabi, Caturra, Colombia, and Castillo, at an altitude average between 1.460 to 1.790 m.a.s.l. In these departments, coffee is one of the bases of the economy, and it’s the sustenance for approximately 57,114 families.

Café Uba is a company located in the Risaralda region, founded by third-generation coffee producers passionate about the unique flavors and aromas of specialty coffees, as well as the playful aspects of coffee such as its preparation, enjoyment, and sharing.
The farm sits at an altitude of 1.460 to 1.790 m.a.s.l. and has a total of 40 hectares. It’s planted with coffee on 32 hectares and the varieties that they harvest are Caturra, Colombia, Castillo, Bourbon Cristalina, and Pink Bourbon.
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