Las Nubes farm is located in the township of Agua Negra just 15 minutes outside of Pitalito, Huila, Colombia. The farm sits at an altitude of 1775 m.a.s.l. and has a total of 29 hectares. It’s planted with coffee on 27 hectares and the varieties that they harvest are Caturra, Pacamara, Pink Bourbon, Laurina, and Geisha.
Sitting at the top of a mountain overlooking the Laboyos Valley, Las Nubes gets mild temperatures around 18–21° C during the day, with cooler temperatures at 10–12° C at night, and enjoys an unobstructed view of the valley and surrounding mountains. The property’s main building includes a drying space under its roof, as well as a water collection system that stores rainwater in a subterranean tank for daily tasks and coffee processing. Las Nubes also has an automated cherry floating system, depulper, and a 10,000 kg capacity mechanical silo on site for processing.

Varietals: Geisha, Pacamara, Laurina, Caturra, and Pink Bourbon.
Altitude: 1775 m.a.s.l.
Farm Area: 29ha
Process: Washed and natural
Drying Method: Parabolic dryers and mechanical silos

Las Nubes farm is a partnership between professionals from every part of the coffee supply chain. The partnership includes:
- Claudia Samboni, co-owner of Aromas del Sur, which includes three coffee farms (Finca Monteblanco, Finca El Progreso, Las Veraneras, and Finca La Loma).
- Vicente Mejia, founder, and CEO of Clearpath Coffee
- Ricardo Pereira, COO of Ally Coffee
- Mark Trujillo, coffee roaster and owner of The Hub Coffee Co in Reno, Nevada, USA.